Humanities Department

  • Director Korin Scarles

    Director of Humanities
    Korin Scarles

    Daniele McCarthy

    The Humanities Department of East Islip is committed to upholding instructional excellence. As a team, we embrace a high standard of academic rigor, defined according to 21st century criteria. Our mission is to develop and foster a lifelong appreciation of the written word and to provide students with the critical reading, writing, listening and communication skills necessary to succeed beyond high school. Through the analysis of literature, students develop a sharpened awareness of the human condition and a heightened sensitivity to a myriad of life experiences. We strive for students to be productive, caring members of a global society.

  • News


JFK Fifth Graders Create Enchanting Earth Day Poetry

  • In recognition of April as National Poetry Month, fifth graders at JFK participated in a poetry contest celebrating Earth Day, composing poems recognizing the importance of conservation and appreciating the beauty of planet Earth.

    The winning works included “Our Blue Green 今日闲情” by Sofia Caviedes, “Against Nature” by Gianna DeSantis, “Our Earth” by Casey Flad, “Earth” by Jack Fricano, “Earth Day” by Cadence Grieve, “Plants” by John Haanraadts, “Earth Day” by Ryan Harburay, “Through Nature” by Sachin Kamath, “Preposition Poem” by Joanna Li and “Spring” by Maggie Tricoukes. These students read their poems over the school loudspeaker on Earth Day.

    “All of the students throughout JFK were enchanted by the prose that their fellow peers had created,” Principal Deborah Smith said. “It was a wonderful opportunity to recognize both National Poetry Month and Earth Day.”

Guest Readers Share Books at JFK

  • Guest readers virtually joined classes at JFK on March 16 to celebrate Read Across America by reading Caldecott Award-winning books and sharing them out loud with students.

Read Aloud Day in the Elementaries

  • Last month, students in East Islip’s four elementary buildings participated in World Read Aloud Day. For the past dozen years, this event has called attention to the importance of sharing stories by challenging participants to grab a book, find an audience and read aloud, and teachers, students and even parents joined in to read to the school community.